Does time really heal all wounds?

Let me start by saying right away, no! It doesn’t! Like all wounds, when left uncared for, it can be infected, it can get worse over time, if not taken care of! An emotional, a psychological wound isn’t any different. Any type of losses, setbacks, disappointments and hardship must be treated and taken care of, if you want that wound to heal. If not treated, then the wound is left open and raw and any type of trigger will reopen the wound, no matter how much time has passed.

What does this mean? It means that you have to heal in order to feel better. Time alone won’t heal. It may make you numb and may make the pain feel less intense, but it doesn’t heal or cure your wound. Like any flesh wound, your heart, your soul, your mind must be attended to. There is no, one-size fits all remedy: every wound, every person is different. You may find solace by yourself, taking some time off, doing things that make you happy or you may find yourself so overwhelmed, you may need help and assistance and feel the need to call a professional for guidance, a coach or a therapist for instance. No matter what may help you, make sure your wound is not forgotten and left open. You must heal your wound, in order for you to process it and move on.

There will be a scar, yes, there usually is, but that scar will be there to remind you how far you’ve come and how resilient you are and when you thought you had hit rock bottom, you got up and kept going. You learned and grew stronger. That wound, that scar, made you stronger.

I’ve learned that time sometimes helps gain perspective. Time helps relativize and rationalize. As the saying goes: in hindsight your vision is always 20/20. Time helps with that. But not with wounds.




What is the GROW Coaching Model?


In times of uncertainties all you can do is… sing!